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Game Vision Statement


SMtraining is a shooting game. In this game you train on different targets. There will be a timer for you to find and shoot those targets. SMtraining stands for "Single Mode Training". The genre of this game is FPS (First Person Shooter)/Action.


The game will be provided with a menu to start off with. This menu will contain the following, the game logo or name, a "PLAY", "WEAPON", "QUIT" button. The following are the two menu layout options I have so far:

If the player presses the "WEAPON" button will bring you to a different page where you can choose between three different type of guns. The gun option will be an AK-47, Shotgun, Pistol. The layout I came up with for this page is very simple and straight to the point. 

When the play chooses their gun option it will bring them back to the main menu where then can press "PLAY". When the player presses the play button it will bring them to another page were they will choose the difficulty. The options are "EASY", "MEDIUM", "HARD". 

The way the difficulties will differ is by the timer and target numbers.

EASY - The easy difficulty will have the longest time to finish and the lowest number of targets. This will give the play a chance to get a feel for the game without getting frustrated by the timer.

MEDUIM - This will have more targets and less time. Although this difficulty will have more targets and less time it will still be fairly easy to complete. 

HARD - This option will have the lowest amount of time and the most amount of targets. This option will be for the players that really want a challenge. 

Doing some research on creating a menu I came across this tutorial on YouTube by @Brackeys. I found this tutorial very useful in getting an idea of how to create my personal menu for the game.

The layout I have in mind for the screen when play the game is going to be very minimal. There will be a timer at the top centre of the screen, a kill/target count at the top right, the ammo on the bottom left and the gun on the bottom right side of the centre as shown below.

The game will be based indoors. The look I'm going for is like a factory with wooden boxes around the building. I would like the walls to be like a concrete or metal texture/colour so the targets are easily seen. This is the layout of the rooms/boxes of the map.


The player will be able to jump, crouch and move around. In terms of details the player will be only able to see the gun and not a players body as this game isn't going to be about how beautiful it is but more so about how useful it is. This game will be used as training/warming up for other competitive shooting games. As this game is will contain guns, to make it easier for me I will use an asset from unity if possible and. I found a video on YouTube on assets for creating an FPS game. The video is by @Breckeys also.

The targets the player will have to shoot will be as shown below.

The red will reprised the head and the green will represent the body. I want to make this target as if you shoot the "head" it will be dead in one shot but if you shoot the "body" it will take 2 or 3 shots to kill. 

This all I can say about the game so far. I hope you enjoyed and I can't wait to hear from you. 

Thank you,



  1. Damn, you have the menu you screens and screen play planned out. Good on ya! This will come of great help when you get to fill out your Game Design Doc! I liked reading your vison statement, its objective and seems to the have core mechanics covered. I can't remember anyone else doing a FPS game and I've only gotten into playing some FPS this year with the release of Valorant. Look forward to see how your game turns out!

  2. Hi Denis I just read your game vision statement I really like the way you have sketches for each single paragraph it makes it really clear for the reader to understand your game idea.I also like your game idea it seems to be very interesting one to create and work on.I was also thinking to make a little shooter game but I thought it will be a very hard one to make so I decided to go with different idea for my game but hopefully everything will go well for you and you'll be able to create the game you have planed.Overall great idea and best of look with it.

  3. Hey Denis, just read your game vision statement and I gotta say, it's pretty impressive! I like where you're going with it and I can see you have it all well planned out, even having sketches for your main menu! I like your idea with changing the guns, one thing was wondering, if you change the gun does it affect your gameplay? Like if I were to pick the AK-47 would I get more bullets, more accuracy with the pistol or more damage with the shotgun? It would be an interesting concept. An idea I was thinking you could do would be give the guns skins after completing a certain level difficulty, so if I finish in easy mode I get a simple skin but finishing in the hardest level I get a cool skin for the gun I used to win! Best of luck with the game and I look forward to seeing more!

  4. Hi Denis
    I have to say the first person shooter idea is interesting I'm doing a maze/obstacle course myself but how are you going to do the menu we haven't bean shown how to do that yet. You have relay put a lot of detale in to this I espaly like being able to chose your gun and the the difficulty however I feel you could have gone into more detale about what the targets are, you showed us an image but what are they bottles ? also maby have more then one type of target that give different number of points to make things interesting.
    best of luck on the game

  5. Hi Denis, Very interesting game and well thought of what the game is about and how you plan on executing your goals. one thing I was wondering to see is, is the the game over as soon as the player hits the target or do they continue playing? Anyway good luck making your I am really looking forward to see your final outcome.

  6. Hi denis your idea seems great very interesting, The different levels seems good as if the player finds one to difficult or easy they can go onto the next one. Just a question what type of targets will the player be shooting wat type of objects? Also when the player hits the target do they start again from the very start or do they keep going on same level? I like how you have drawn out the pictures to make it easier to understand Hope it works out for you in the end- Niamh

  7. Hey Denis
    I just finished reading your blog. Your game idea seems really, really cool and I am very excited to see how it turns out. The layout of the game view gives me COD/ Nazi Zombies vibes. I know you have 3 gun options so far but I was wonder would there be power ups available like attachments like: better bullets with a greater strength or scopes. Also if you added this idea you could set up a system where if you get a kill you would get points that would convert into money. Then this way the player could use the money to buy the upgrades/ attachments that I mentioned above. Looking forward to seeing how your game turns out.
    - Cian


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