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Showing posts from December, 2020


 Hi there, I have some exciting news for you!  I have finally finished my game. Now the game isn't the way I planed it to be as at that stage I believed I can get more done that I'm capable of. Anyway the game works which is whats important.  So, basically whats new in it is that the player cant choose between guns, theres no main menu when you get on the game and the game is based on points rather than a timer with different amount of targets. Theres a set amount of targets which is 7. Each target gives 5 points and when the player reaches 35 points is game over. There is also a restart button. This is how the game looks with the score at the top right of the screen. The game isn't as pleasing looking as I wanted it to be but is playable. Honestly, I'm really glad I got everything to work to say the least.  For next week I will be making a trailer or promotional video for my game which sounds but interesting and hard at the same time. We will all find out how I got ...

Unity Tutorial 10

 As we got to choice to do any tutorial this week I decided to re-do the one from last week as I wanted to understand more about keeping a score. As i don't have time to create the game I wanted I improvised and I'm doing my game based around points.  I will have the targets spread around the map and the player has to take them all out to finish the game. This will give the game a start beginning and end. I found this tutorial very helpful and easy to understand. I like how it shows you how to place a menu to restart the game. As for now I will continue working on my game as I have a good understanding on what to do next and how to do it.  Thank you for your time!  Denis.

Unity Tutorial 09

 Hi all, today I have made a new game using Unity tutorials. This game is very different from the other games as it is a 2D game. Following the steps I have learned how to place the score of the players progression as they play the game. I found this really useful as I would like to add something like it in my own game. I have also learn how to make a restart button which I think is essential in a game. I think having that button gives an end to a game. That lets the player know that they finished the game with a certain score. The game I created today is some what like fruit ninja but different. Instead of cutting fruits you click on the different object that shoot up from the bottom of the screen.  This is a screenshot of the game with some of the game objects and the game over screen. This is an original screenshot of my own work. I hope you enjoy this weeks Unity tutorial and I shall see you in a few days. Thank you, Denis.